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The Insightful Body:
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"The Insightful Body" Book


© 2010 - 2015 Julie McKay Covert Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Julie Covert is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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I am the author of . This is a book that teaches therapists of all types how to use the easy to learn and use techniques of SomaCentric Dialoguing to help their clients become more aware of what message their bodies want them to be aware of.

The Insightful Body: Healing with SomaCentric Diaologuing is available online through . It is also available through Amazon or your local bookstore can order it. Although I make more money if you buy it directly from me and I'll autograph it for free!

You can read praise about the book and find out more about the SomaCentric Dialoguing workshops that I teach at .

On the"'typewriter" is the client or layperson version of The Insightful Body. I anticipate the manuscript to be done Spring 2012.

What is your story?

I am looking for personal stories about how SomaCentric Dialoguing has helped people. If you have ever received SomaCentric Dialoguing, from myself or a therapist who has taken my course, I'd love to hear about your experience and to possibly include it in my next dialoguing book.

Please send me an email with your story to: Julie at

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Julie McKay Covert